We welcome dogs and love their love of Tregaron.
We ask you to remember a few key rules so we can preserve and protect Tregaron for everyone:

- Dogs must be leashed at all times for the safety of all visitors, human and canine. Leashing your dog keeps people, wildlife and other dogs safe, and is required by DC law. Unleashed dogs can be intimidating to other visitors. It is important that you manage your dog — even if your dog is just playing or being sociable — so everyone can enjoy their visit to Tregaron.
- No dogs are allowed at any time on Washington International School campus.Consult our map for the campus boundaries. In essence, the school property is “inside” the sweep of the driveway, as well as the turf area above the overlook trail north of the pond.
- Tregaron is a historic park. We are working hard to rehabilitate the gardens and woodlands, and they are costly to maintain. For the health of our plant community and animal habitat, please keep your dog on the trails and turf fields only. And while our new native meadows are being established, please help your dog stay clear of the fenced-off, newly-seeded areas.
We enjoy hosting social gatherings of our community of dog lovers. If you’d like to sponsor or help organize this event, contact info@tregaronconservancy.org.
Take a photo of your dog and share it on Instagram @TregaronDC or on Facebook or Instagram. Tell us why you and your dog enjoy Tregaron!