On April 6th, the Cleveland Park Historical Society and Tregaron Conservancy sponsored a Tree Talk and Walk and Community Service Events at Tregaron. There was a presentation discussing the trees of Tregaron — their health and wealth — and the many challenges of owning and maintaining a historic woodland garden while restoring a dilapidated forest in the midst of the city. Tregaron Conservancy board members addressed the issues and led a short guided walk.
After the tree talk and walk, more neighbors and friends joined us to engage in community service projects. Volunteers worked hard removing English ivy from trees and other invasives that inhabit Tregaron. Several people collected trash and debris, while another group weeded near the stone stairs and marble patio overlooking the lily pond. After clearing out leaves and reviving the hellabores, the group planted wildflower seeds that will encourage butterflies and hummingbirds — building more natural habitats. The terrific collection of volunteers — young and somewhat older — accomplished a great deal. The Conservancy is so thankful for the community’s help in our restoration efforts!